-adding distance ,duration,distractions,difficulties
out door group class
advanced obedience class for teaching how to utilise a long line and use it for teaching recall and fetch and distance commands safely outdoors.
free long line included in price.
6 weeks /once a week
class one-
handling long lines and principles of the three Ds
using sit,implied stay,come,down
discuss release words,distance hand cues
-handout: describing the ‘three Ds’
-goal for next class:be able to do any 3 of the following-
•ask dog to down,wait for a count of 30,reward,release reward.[duration]
•ask dog to sit,back away five strides,wait a count of five,return to dog reward,release,reward.[duration/distance]
•ask dog to sit,walk around dog all the way or half way each side,reward,release reward.[difficulty]
•ask dog to sit,walk backwards ten strides,call dog to come (implied sit finish),reward dog[distance]
•ask dog to sit ,walk back five strides,ask dog to down,walk back ,reward,release,reward.[distance]
•ask dog to sit,jog and sing for a count of ten,reward release reward.[distractions]
class two-
practicing what we did the first class and expanding on those things
hopefully getting to the end of the long lines,beginning to combine Ds
-goal for next class:
class three-
practicing last class material and beginning to combine class members as added difficulties and distractions-group efforts rather than solo work
(bring balls,stuffies,sqweekys)
-goal for next class:
class four-
expanding on previous work and polishing stuff up.
getting more difficult
class five-
learning some games ,get a bit competitive,maybe form teams,trade dogs,chain behaviours together,do an obstacle course?
class six-
final class be able to preform a previously assigned final set of behaviours in solo dog handler pairs and then time for questions ,requests