Category: Uncategorized


We’ve covered how to tame our furry pals from acting Beastly when guests arrive, but in the spirit of the holidays what about if we ourselves behave beastly? Beware the full moon! This post is about WereWolves! Almost every culture has a version of men becoming beasts of some kind,either a mythical separate species,or men…


FIREWORKS!! We might find fireworks thrilling,exciting and magical but for some dogs fireworks are world war three!!! Is your dog afraid of fireworks,loud bangs,thunder? Do you have a new dog or puppy and aren’t sure if they are afraid of fireworks and thunder? Well the following will outline ways to prepare a dog for possible…

Humane Dog Training

There are those trainers out there who refer to themselves as balanced trainers. By this they mean that although they use modern science based reward methods,they are also willing to use aversive tools such as choke chains ,prong collars and E collars should they deem it necessary to achieve their goals. They often use the…


We are currently in a stage 3 drought here in B.C.! With that in mind I thought I would give you some tips on how to handle this hot dry weather with your furry buddy! change the time of day you exercise your dog. the hottest time of day is from around noon till about…

Time Out Hug!

The Time Out Hug is a great tool to use when you want to calm your dog after they’ve gone ‘over threshold’ and are ‘freaking out’. If you have them on leash and they’ve suddenly begun reacting negatively to something or someone, you don’t have treats or treats aren’t working because they’re too wound up,…

A Quote to Think on

“Joy is the body’s way of telling us that all our physical and mental functions are running smoothly,that life is sweet and whatever we did to feel that way is a good idea to replicate in the future”-Patricia McConnell We often dwell on whats wrong,suddenly paying attention to our dogs when they begin to act…