2. Fiendish Fruits That are Freaky and Foul !!!

You might be tempted to share your candy apples or little boxes of raisins from your night of ghoulish looting with your furry pal but HOLD ON!!! You may want to save those raisins for your little brother or sister instead!

For reasons that remain almost completely obscured to science, dogs experience violent adverse effects when they eat either grapes or raisins. Purple or green, seeded or seedless, it doesn’t seem to matter. Within mere hours of ingesting grapes or raisins, dogs have been observed to begin having fits of vomiting and excessive urination. Within just a few days, dogs have experienced kidney failure, lapsed into comas, and died from eating grapes.
If you see your dog eat some grapes, the best course of action is to proceed directly to a veterinarian, who will induce vomiting. Not all dogs react in this way to grapes or raisins, but is it really worth taking the chance?
They can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys, possibly resulting in death.
Ingesting as few as 4-5 grapes or raisins can be poisonous to a 20-pound dog, though the exact toxic dose is not established. Sensitivity depends on the particular dog.
Signs of toxicity include vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea,abdominal pain, decreased urine production (possibly leading to a lack of urine production), weakness, and a drunken gait.The onset of signs typically occurs within 24 hours (though they can start just a few hours after consumption).

dogs may not particularly care for the outer skin of an apple, but as long as the seeds are removed, apples are safe for dogs to eat. As you’ll see, with many fruits, seeds, cores, stems, or pits often contain chemicals that are toxic to dogs.

Same as with apples, with all the associated warnings about seeds and cores.

The flesh of a peach is delicious, no one questions that. However, the pit of a peach contains cyanide, which is deadly to pretty much everyone. Cynaide may seep out from the pit into the tender peach meat that is closest to the center. The same can be said of plums and other fruits with a solid, centralized core or seed at the center. The risk to a dog’s digestive tract is also high with pitted fruits. Aside from the natural poison in the core, that seed is large enough to obstruct or block the intestines of your dog. So it’s best to avoid these types of fruits for your dogs safety.

A Word about Fruit pits/seeds in general:
Cherry, mango, peach, and plum pits as well as apple seeds, contain cyanide that, if ingested in massive quantities, could result in poisoning. Seeds and pits are also a choking hazard, or, if swallowed, may lodge in the stomach or intestines. Remove all pits or seeds prior to letting your dog indulge in safe fruits.
Signs of cyanide poisoning include vomiting, heavy breathing, apnea tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, coma, skin irritation. In some cases, antidotes are available. Other treatments include oxygen therapy, fluids, and supportive care.
-Note that the leaves, fruit, seeds and bark of avocados contain Persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Also, the fat content is not healthy for dogs.